Did you know that Winnipeg is not the only community in Manitoba celebrating Bike to Work Day this Friday? Morden is also putting on a cycling event (poster attached) that also includes walkers and rollerbladers, and a host of other activities. For more information, find Kelly Stock's contact info below.

From: Kelly Stock [mailto:kellystockmstw@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 12:03 PM
Subject: Bike To Work Day Morden 2010


Hello everyone,


Please find attached a poster for the upcoming Bike To Work Day event in Morden on Friday, June 25th. Feel free to promote the event at your workplace throughout the week!


Join other cyclists for a free breakfast, compliments of ARocha Prairie Canada, at the United Church parking lot from 7-8:30am, followed by a FREE film night with popcorn and drinks at 7pm at the Morden Library.


Walkers and rollerbladers are welcome as well!!


Hope to see you there!


For those of you who weren't able to pick up a rain barrel last Thursday I will be selling barrels at the Morden Farmers Market again this week from 4 - 6:30pm.


Take care,

Kelly Stock
Climate Change Coordinator
MSTW Planning District

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"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better. It's not."
- Dr. Seuss, "The Lorax"