FYI In my opinion much better than the Canadian TAC document
The objective of this project was to prepare a comprehensive update to the 1999 AASHTO Guide for the
Development of Bicycle Facilities.
The Guide is recognized and accepted throughout the United States as the national guideline for bicycle
facility planning and design. It has evolved over time – the 1981 edition of the Guide was 31 pages long
and had only four pages of guidance on designing on‐road bicycle facilities. By the time the 1999 edition
was published, the Guide had more than doubled in length, with considerably more information on
planning, on‐road bicycle facility design, shared use path design, and operations and maintenance.
Usage of the Guide has grown rapidly as nationwide spending on bicycle facilities has increased. Each
successive federal transportation bill since ISTEA in 1991 has increased funding for bikeway construction
in the U.S. Despite its popularity and utility, however, the 1999 edition of the Guide lacks important
information, and does not reflect significant research findings of the past decade. Additionally, parts of
the Guide need to incorporate changes from updated national references such as the "Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (MUTCD) and the AASHTO "Policy on Geometric Design of Highways
and Streets," (AASHTO "Green Book"), among others.
In 2004, the NCHRP Task 187 Report entitled "Updating the AASHTO Guide for the Development of
Bicycle Facilities" conducted initial research, interviews, and a literature review to determine the
recommended scope and content of the next edition of the Guide. That report made recommendations
for numerous changes to the 1999 Guide. The new draft of the Guide incorporates these
recommendations, along with new guidance and research, and practical experience gained through the
design and construction of bikeways throughout the United States....”