----- Original Message -----
From: Janice Lukes
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 6:33 AM
Subject: Invitation Walking & Cycling Successes - Perspectives on 'building it right' January 25 2010

Hi all -
A SUPER event to attend - please share with your members and ANYONE interested.  Limited seating - we are expecting a very good turnout.
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Walking & Cycling Success: Perspectives from communities who are 'building it right'
As Manitoba positions to spend unprecedented funding on walking and cycling routes - please join us to hear perspectives from Quebec and Minneapolis communities who are 'building it right'.
Monday January 25th,  2010
The Forks Food Court area, The Forks  (Use entrance beside Pancake House) 
6:30 pm:   Registration & refreshments - limited seating.
7:00 pm:   Opening remarks from the Government of Canada, Province of Manitoba and City of Winnipeg
RSVP:      BuildingItRight@mts.net   Limited seating
Visionary visual presentation by Anders Swanson, visual artist, global cycling advocate & recipient of Manitoba Eco-Networks' Environmental Award 2009.
Province of Quebec: Celebrating 40 years of building 4,000+ km of bikeways in the Province
Marc Jolicouer: Marc Jolicoeur has been research coordinator at Vélo Québec since 1995. Author of the Technical Handbook of Bikeway Design, he has served on numerous committees on bikeway safety and standards. He also coordinates technical support for the development of the Route Verte bicycle network. A professional engineer, he has been involved in transportation for over 15 years. An avid cyclist since childhood, he is a regular bicycle commuter in Montréal.
Minneapolis, Minnesota: Recognized as one of the top 5 cycling cities in the U.S.A
Jay Walljasper: Jay Walljasper, author of the Great Neighborhood Book, chronicles stories from around the world about how citizens and public officials are rolling up their sleeves to improve their communities.  A year-round bike commuter in Minneapolis, he is an authority on livable communities and sustainable transportation initiatives.  He is a senior fellow at Project for Public Spaces, a New York-based organization; a contributing editor at National Geographic Traveler magazine; and editor of OnTheCommons.org. As a social observer, he has been quoted in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, National Public Radio and the Toronto Star.
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Organized & sponsored by:
Province of Manitoba     www.gov.mb.ca
The Forks    www.theforks.com
Winnipeg Trails Association    www.WinnipegTrails.ca
One Green City   www.OneGreenCity.com
Supporting Sponsors:
City of Winnipeg      www.winnipeg.ca/publicworks/MajorProjects/ActiveTransportation/ 
The Centre for Sustainable Transportation    www.centreforsustainabletransportation.org
Bike to the Future   www.biketothefuture.org
Prairie Pathfinders Walking Club   www.prairiepathfinders.mb.ca
Resource Conservation Manitoba    www.resourceconservation.mb.ca
Manitoba Cycling Association    www.cycling.mb.ca
Refreshment Sponsors:
Marr Consulting