Thanks to Terry Zdan for the share of this new (U.S.) tool: 

New modes of transportation are popping up in cities and towns across the world. Innovations include transportation network companies like Lyft, Uber, and Via, and more recently dockless bikes and scooters, all of which have shaken up transportation sector.

These new technologies are likely to have dramatic impacts on the way people move – but how do we assess this impact? These new technologies provide additional choices, but which improves overall mobility?  While walk or bike scores that exist in some cities are useful, they don’t look at the whole mobility picture or consider future technologies like connected cars and automated vehicles. How do we assess the energy impacts of these technologies? Evaluate their affordability? Or weigh their tradeoffs and overall impact across various dimensions? 

Full story:  


Beth McKechnie (she/her) | Green Action Centre

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