IDEAS IN MOTION: Mobilizing Knowledge on Active Transportation A series of webinars on active transportation initiatives across Canada presented by ACT Canada in partnership with the Public Health Agency of Canada Provinces, territories and their partners can boost public health by making active transportation more practical, convenient and safe. This series of four webinars will highlight provincial experiences in several key areas: STRATEGIES AND COLLABORATION INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING AND DELIVERY LEGISLATION AND REGULATION INFORMATION AND PROMOTION WHAT, WHY AND HOW. Invited webinar speakers will offer their unique knowledge about provincial initiatives, and present their lessons learned. Each webinar will include time for attendees to submit online questions and comments. JOIN US! This is a great opportunity to learn from current Canadian experiences. All webinars are free of charge, and attendees may participate using an Internet connection and/or telephone (long distance charges will apply). RESERVE YOUR PLACE. To register, see below. Live attendance for each event will be limited to 100 connections, but recordings will be archived at SAVE THE DATE – REGISTER NOW!
THE BIG PICTURE: Active Transportation Strategies and Collaboration
Thursday, October 9, 2014 12:00–1:30 PM (Eastern) BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS: Active Transportation Infrastructure Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:00–1:30 PM (Eastern) SAFETY FIRST: Active Transportation Legislation and Regulation January 2015 Date and time to be announced BUILDING CAPACITY: Active Transportation Information and Promotion |