** Friendly reminder re tomorrow's webinar on creative placemaking **


Please join Green Action Centre and Bike Winnipeg on Wednesday, February 21st, for a group viewing of the monthly APBP webinar in the EcoCentre boardroom followed by discussion for those who wish to stay.

RSVPs appreciated but not necessary.


Next webinar: February 21, 2018, 2-3pm

Be Creative! Art, Placemaking and Funding

Creative placemaking projects that help to transform communities into lively, beautiful, and resilient places with the arts at their core. Panelists will speak about grant funding opportunities for placemaking projects such as through the National Endowment for the Arts’ Our Town grant program. The Our Town program is investing in projects that bring diverse partners together to integrate the arts into community revitalization work. Panelists will also discuss case studies and solutions highlighted in Smart Growth America's recent field scan: Arts, Culture and Transportation: A Creative Placemaking Field Scan.

Katherine Bray-Simons, Design Specialist, National Endowment for the Arts
Ben Stone, Director of Arts & Culture, Smart Growth America


Beth McKechnie | Workplace Commuter Options

Green Action Centre

3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave(204) 925-3777 x102 | Find us here

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