Street Typologies: An organizing framework for more walkable, bikeable streets
Wed, Feb 19th, 2:00 PM
Many cities transportation goals have shifted in recent years – becoming more multimodal, safety-focused, and equitable. While cities transportation goals have changed, many still rely on the Federal Functional Classification System, which prioritizes vehicle mobility and access, as the main framework for organizing, designing, and managing their streets. Recognizing this dissonance, cities are developing new street typology systems that better align their approach to streets with overall transportation goals. This presentation will share strategies used in Des Moines, IA and Phoenix, AZ to develop new street typologies that align with existing and future land use and create more walkable, bikeable streets.
- Alex Hanson, Sam Schwartz Consulting
- Brian Fellows, City of Phoenix
- Jeff Wiggins, City of Des Moines