If you haven’t registered for the
second annual Conversations in motion series: “Health promotion gone VIRAL: Tweeting & posting for better
health choices,” you should do it right now! The event
will be held on Wednesday, May 9th 8:15am-4:00pm at the Université
de Saint-Boniface
registration will be open until May 4th
or until all spots are filled! We are over 50% SOLD OUT!!
Please see the attached Event Poster
for more information on how to register or visit our webpage: http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/kinrec/research/conversations.html
If you have registered already, be sure to check out our Pre-Event Scavenger Hunt!!
Here’s the link: http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/kinrec/grad_programs/safety/media/Scavenger.pdf
This will get you ready for the event and there are prizes to be won!
For more information, please
contact me at 474-7451 (phone) or Nicole_dunn@umanitoba.ca.
Nicole J. Dunn, BA (Adv),
Associate Director (Administration)
308A Max Bell Centre
Health, Leisure & Human Performance Research
T: 204-474-7451
F: 204-261-4802