----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Haynes
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 8:04 AM
Subject: Active Transportation - Canada: November 18, 2009

Active Transportation - Canada features a regular posting of news articles, studies, reports, and other items that have relevance in this field, with previous postings available in an archive. In addition, pictures of existing Active Transportation infrastructure from communities across Canada will be profiled each week.
The following items have recently been posted to the Active Transportation - Canada Blog. To view in more detail, go to: http://activetransportation-canada.blogspot.com
AT Infrastructure Example: Corner Brook NL - Pedestrian Tunnel
A reminder e-mail of new postings will be sent no more often than once per week. To continue to receive these updates, you need take no action. Should you not wish to receive updates, please return this e-mail with "Unsubscribe" in the Subject area.
Interested in an AT workshop in your community? For more information, please contact:
Michael Haynes
TransActive Solutions