Hi Physical Activity Folks,

As most of you know, for the last few years the WRHA Population & Public Health team and a whole host of community partners have partnered together with the Red River Exhibition to offer health related information and opportunities through the creation of the GO4health EXpo.


As the Physical Activity Promotion team and a partner with Winnipeg in motion, we (along with many community partners) have been in attendance to provide education, opportunities to try, and connections to community programs, opportunities, and resources to support physical activity.


From the survey evaluations (2010, 2011, 2012) we’ve received positive feedback from attendees that the information/resources provided has been of value and appreciated. They indicated an increased awareness of the importance of a physically active lifestyle and where to be active within their community. The surveys also indicated that there was an increase in the attendees intention to make behaviour change, in many instances, behaviour change had already occurred in one or more healthy lifestyle changes.


Planning has begun for 2013.  This year, things are changing slightly as we’ve reduced the footprint of the GO4health EXpo within Exhibition Place and have moved from the back 1/3 of the building to the front corner.  With our smaller digs, we have made the decision to no longer host a physical activity demonstration stage.


From our initial discussions, TWO main themes have emerged for the Physical Activity Promotion area at the GO4health Expo:

1 - Active Play (children, youth & adults)

2 - Active Transportation (children, youth & adults)


As key players in physical activity promotion, we would like to invite you to a meeting to further explore creative and engaging ways to promote physical activity in these themed areas.


Date: Tuesday, April 30

Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Location of meeting: Room 119 – 490 Hargrave Street(please use the door located on the corner of Hargrave and McDermot)


Call in option:

-              Call 1-877-727-8553

-              Participant code - 904444228


Items up for discussion –

-              Supporting play

o             creation of resources that teach play

o             highlight play opportunities in the community

o             focus on fundamental movement skills

o             play leaders to assist with staffing the play zone

o             training leaders/sharing expertise for play zone

o             providing families an opportunity to play together

o             giveaways to support play


-              Active Transportation

o             creation of resources that highlight trails and AT routes

o             highlight active transportation events/opportunities

o             giveaways to support AT

o             using technology – touch screens/iPads, etc. to help people find a route

o             highlight active and safe routes to school and active commuting


If you are unable to make the meeting or call in but have ideas, please give me a shout. Thanks!

Have a great “in motion” day!


Kristine Hayward

Physical Activity Promotion/in motion Coordinator

2nd floor - 490 Hargrave Street

Winnipeg, MB   R3A 0X7


Telephone 204 940-1676

Cell 204 232-7546

Fax 204 940-2690

Email khayward@wrha.mb.ca


Follow Winnipeg in motion on Twitter - @wpginmotion


Sign up to receive updates from Winnipeg in motion @ http://www.winnipeginmotion.ca/signup/


PLEASE NOTE THAT WE HAVE MOVED (MAY 5, 2012) - our mailing address and fax number has changed.