For Immediate Release
September 19, 2014
Today, the Toronto Centre for Active Transportation (TCAT), in partnership with Toronto Environmental Alliance, Cycle Toronto, Walk Toronto and Canada Walks, releases the results of its 2014 all-candidate municipal election transportation survey.
In June 2014, Toronto Councillor and Mayoral candidates were invited to respond to a short 12-question survey to provide voters with information about their views on active transportation and public transit. The candidates were also provided with
Building a Toronto that Moves, a backgrounder developed by active transportation and public transit community leaders that sets out 12 concrete steps that can be taken in the next term of Council to improve cycling, walking and transit in Toronto.
Here is a snapshot of the survey results:
• Strong support was expressed for the 12 election priorities for walking, cycling, and transit identified in Building a Toronto that Moves;
• Highest support (97%) was expressed for establishing School Travel Plans to improve the safety of children walking to school;
• Strong support (89%) for a Complete Streets policy to ensure our streets are routinely designed to provide the safe travel of all road users;
• Strong support (80%) for a Minimum Grid of 100 km of protected bike lanes and 100 km of bicycle boulevards to be built by 2018;
• Lowest support (58%) for a four-year TTC fare freeze;
• Two-thirds (63%) of the 38 councillor incumbents running for re-election responded to the survey, and 2 of the 3
leading mayoral candidates.
Jacky Kennedy, Director, Canada Walks commented “we are thrilled that 97% of survey respondents showed support for School Travel Plans for all Toronto schools and we look forward to working with successful candidates to make this a reality.”
“Investment in Toronto’s on-street network of bike lanes has stalled. It’s fantastic that the candidates have committed to fast-track a Minimum Grid of this critical infrastructure that saves lives and improves our health and environment,” said Jared Kolb, Executive Director, Cycle Toronto.
“Overall, we are seeing an emerging consensus that Toronto City Council should be doing more to promote and protect Torontonians who are walking, cycling, and taking public transit,” concluded Nancy Smith Lea, TCAT Director. “This is a huge step forward for building a city that moves us all, safely and equitably.”
More information, including the candidates’ individual responses here: -30-
Nancy Smith Lea (TCAT)
416 392-0290 Franz Hartmann (TEA)
416 606-8881 Jacky Kennedy (Canada Walks)
416 992-5496 Dylan Reid (Walk Toronto)
647 770-3133 Jared Kolb (Cycle Toronto)
416 644-7188 --
Nancy Smith Lea
Toronto Centre for Active Transportation (TCAT)
Clean Air Partnership
75 Elizabeth Street
Toronto, ON M5G 1P4
nsmithlea@tcat.caWebsites: | |
www.cleanairpartnership.orgSubscribe to TCAT News at