Green Communities Canada, Metrolix and the University of Toronto have completed the first Canadian Benefit-Cost Analysis of School Travel Planning. Looking at 19 Ontario schools from varied urban, suburban and rural communities, the findings illustrate a benefit-cost ratio of 1.8.
It's important to note that the estimated annual cost of $93,000 for the 19 projects is not the influx of all "new" money, but rather a re-prioritization of time and resources at a school, regional and provincial level along with some monetary investment.
The one-year endeavour was estimated to garner $200,000 in annual health and societal benefits from car trip reduction and increases in walking.
You can find the full-version of the report here; the executive summary here.
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The results are in: School Travel Planning (STP) is a cost-effective way to increase walking and cycling to school. What’s more, it provides economic, health and environmental benefits.
School Travel Planning is designed to take active school travel to the next level by comprehensively addressing barriers and incentives that affect behaviour.
The first benefit-cost analysis of STP projects in Canada was released in January 2014 and is a collaboration of Green Communities Canada, Metrolinx and the University of Toronto. Key findings, extrapolated for a full school year, show the 19 STP projects studied are estimated to have:
Translated into dollars, this increase in walking and decrease in driving shows:
Based on the average benefits versus the average costs per student, if STP programming was delivered across Ontario the benefit-cost ratio would be 1.8. In other words, benefits are almost double the costs.
The STP model was introduced in response to studies showing the number of children being driven to school nearly doubled over the 20 year period between 1986 and 2006. Driving causes traffic congestion, safety concerns and increased air pollution around schools. STP promoted active and sustainable ways of getting to school at 71 elementary schools in Ontario between 2009 and 2012.
Jackie Avent | Active and Safe Routes to School
3rd floor, 303 Portage Avenue | (204) 925-3773 | Find us here