Happy Trails
Terry Zdan

Begin forwarded message:

From: Barrie Kirk <bkirk@cavcoe.com>
Date: December 3, 2020 at 6:08:05 PM CST
To: "Zdan, Terry (MI)" <Terry.Zdan@gov.mb.ca>
Subject: City of Toronto's Automated Sidewalk Winter Maintenance Challenge


Fahad Khan of the City of the Toronto sent me the following email about their Automated Sidewalk Winter Maintenance Challenge. I thought this may be of interest to you.

Best regards

Barrie Kirk


As you are familiar, I am Fahad Khan, Project Lead at the Strategic Policy & Innovation Team at the City of Toronto.


The City of Toronto's Transportation Services has just launched a first-of-its-kind pilot Transportation Innovation Challenge at the City’s new Transportation Innovation Zone at Exhibition Place in early 2021.

The details of the call can be accessed by clicking on the Automated Sidewalk Winter Maintenance Challenge tab, available at www.Toronto.ca/TIZ.


Are you developing new technologies to clear snow or apply salt to sidewalks, or do you work with organizations who are? We'd like them to join our trial. All of the information you need to know can be found in the attached Call for Applications, at our website https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/8cf9-TS_Automated-Winter-Maintenance-Call.pdf


Please save a completed PDF of the application form (available at https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/952c-TS_Automated-Winter-Maintenance-Call_application-form.pdf)  and email it back to us.


The application deadline is December 18, 2020.


Interested organizations should complete this Application Form PDF and submit it by email to automatedvehicles@toronto.ca. City staff are available to support applications. For questions or guidance, please contact myself, Fahad Khan, Project Lead: fahad.khan@toronto.ca before December 18, 2020.


Lastly, could you please share this information in your networks and amongst other interested contacts.

I look forward to your involvement in this trial.



Fahad Khan

Project Lead – Automated Vehicles
City of Toronto – Strategic Policy & Innovation

416-397-9710, fahad.khan@toronto.ca