Safety Manuals – The Good StuffFHWA Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) Program: Selecting Countermeasures for Uncontrolled Crossing Locations
APBP is hosting a webinar to share information about a new guide and tech sheets promoting the use of countermeasures for uncontrolled pedestrian crossing locations. The “Guide for Improving Pedestrian Safety at Uncontrolled Crossing Locations” follows a six-step process and provides tools that help agencies select countermeasures for uncontrolled crossing locations based on roadway characteristics and pedestrian safety issues. This guide was developed as part of the FHWA Every Day Counts - Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) program. In addition to this new guide, the STEP program released a series of new tech sheets highlighting the safety benefits of the STEP countermeasures. The tech sheets provide conceptual visualizations, best practices for installation, and cost considerations for each of the countermeasures.
The new STEP guide and tech sheets are posted to the program website:
- Lauren Blackburn, VHB
- Charlie Zegeer, UNC Highway Safety Research Center