----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Haynes
Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 2:02 PM
Subject: Active Transportation - Canada: October 17, 2009

Active Transportation - Canada features a regular posting of news articles, studies, reports, and other items that have relevance in this field, with previous postings available in an archive. In addition, pictures of existing Active Transportation infrastructure from communities across Canada will be profiled each week.
The following items have recently been posted to the Active Transportation - Canada Blog. To view in more detail, go to: http://activetransportation-canada.blogspot.com
AT Infrastructure Example: Lac des Seize Iles QC - Separated Bicycle Route
  1. Keeping children safe: rethinking how we design our surroundings
  2. The Top 10 Facts on Bicycling and Walking in the United States
  3. Health & Transport Action Plan - Grampian, Scotland
  4. Newsletter: The Centre for Sustainable Transportation
  5. Could this be the fittest generation?
  6. Fast lane to safer cycling
  7. Clarifying the Share the Road Project
  8. Newsletter: Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation
  9. MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www.bikingtoronto.com" claiming to be Newsletter: Biking Toronto.com
  10. Completing Toronto's Streets
  11. Here's a novel idea: walking to school
  12. Walking to school better in every way for kids
  13. City’s Swedish study tour set to lift off
  14. Is it Safe to Let Your Kids Walk to School?
  15. Bikes and the bad-for-business rap
  16. Scots Government cycle tax idea abandoned
  17. Bike path to link coastline
  18. Dutch move into fast lane with 'bicycle highways'
  19. For the Danes, city planning is all about the bike
  20. Dubai building 6,000 bicycle parking spots
A reminder e-mail of new postings will be sent no more often than once per week. To continue to receive these updates, you need take no action. Should you not wish to receive updates, please return this e-mail with "Unsubscribe" in the Subject area.
Interested in an AT workshop in your community? For more information, please contact:
Michael Haynes
TransActive Solutions