Yours truly has always been a fan for more transportation data..CST produced this vehicle sooed map using on oard gps Ottomate instruments. , see report below  investigating excessive idling in Wpg during summer months. The vehicle speed images are real time and document/confirm driving habits in the city. CST student researchers combed the literature for explanations of this phenomenon and came up empty. I have an unpublished  non peered story attempting to do that.

Cudos to PERSENTECH and their Ottomate...which CST later used in amazing study to document and map bicycle routes in the city. The project was jointly  funded by the CoW and FCM (who in my opinion did not understand bicycles as a viable transportation vehicle at that time.) The project was called Ottocycle. Provided a benchmark of active cycling info that was lightyears ahead of it that time. In my opinion.