Oregon’s innovative Scenic Bikeways program offers the very best of Oregon’s scenic, historic, natural and cultural experiences – from the seat of a bike. Learn more about the Oregon Scenic Bikeways program.

Oregon: The land of dreamers. And the land cyclists dream about.

The concept of the Ride Oregon site emerged from the creative energy of hundreds of cyclists who gather each year for the Oregon Bike Summit with the goal of making Oregon the premier cycling state. The need for a site like this was identified years ago, but in 2008 the #1 recreation and tourism strategy targeted at the Summit was to develop an online epicenter for information on cycling in Oregon, to continue progress toward making our state the best place in America to ride a bike.

Travel Oregon is the agency charged with encouraging economic growth and enhancing the quality of life in Oregon by strengthening the economic impact of tourism throughout the state. The agency stepped up to the plate and brought the site to life between 2008 and 2009 with the help of a diverse and robust work group (see Partners) and a brilliant digital branding firm, Substance.

What you find on this site is the result of years of exploring. Years of building. And years of dreaming.



Thank you and regards


Terry Zdan BA MEDes


Policy & Service Development

Manitoba  Infrastructure & Transportation

1520 215 Garry Street

Winnipeg MB R3C 3P3

P 204 945 7381

C 204 227 3724

E Terrry.Zdan@gov.mb.ca