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From: Lauren Gabuzzi <lauren@downtownithaca.com>
Date: Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 3:38 PM
Subject: [Transp-tdm] Webinar: Building Better Bike Friendly Communities Jan. 14

You are invited to join GO ITHACA for the Building Better Bike Friendly Communities Webinar on Thursday, January 14th from 12-1:30 pm EST.  Registration is required.  

To Register Click Here.  Feel free to eat your lunch while the presenters wow you with important ways to make our community (buildings, buildings, campus and more)  bike-friendly! 

Roughly 90-minute Webinar 

Presentations by 
Bike Walk Tompkins: Hector Chang
Bikes for All / Bikes Make Life Better: David L. Allen
American League of Cyclists: Amelia Neptune 

Our presenters will cover several topics including 
Bike Walk Tompkins' Bicycling for Everyone Action Plan, 
American League of Cyclists' Bike Friendly Business program, Bike Friendly Community Program, and Bike Friendly University Program & Bike Back to Work strategy and Better Bike Infrastructure.  

Please make sure to register and send this invite to anyone you feel is interested in building better biking communities.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Best wishes,

The GO ITHACA team

Lauren Gabuzzi
Downtown Ithaca Alliance
TDM Program Manager
Cell: (607) 391-1389