[Think about it: Assiniboine is currently the Portage Avenue for people on bikes. Winnipeg Trails' email account often gets asked :"We are headed out on our bikes, where can we go for coffee/grab a drink along Winnipeg Trails?" Modern north american zoning is traditionally oriented around roads (think how arterial roads are typically also commercial corridors). Increasingly, the possibilities of transit spurring similar development (think transit quality zones/TOD) is becoming better understood. Pedestrians, of course, are occasionally integrated into the equation esp. in urban areas (increased density, mixed use). However, what about bicycles. Whjat about the opportunities created by new trails. There is little known about the potential of new businesses to take advantage of the places that people on bikes stop. Here is an interesting idea from two business owners who've made $ along pathways; they think we need to start thinking about a new category of commercial zoning: bike-in zoning. - Anders]

Bike-In Zoning

"Linda Thorne and Lanny Tonning have stumbled upon an excellent idea: specific zoning for businesses that wish to cater primarily to cyclists, especially along existing multi-use trails. 
