Please note that if you are planning to attend today's webinar starting at 2 pm, that the elevator is not working. You can access the EcoCentre on the third floor of MEC via the stairwell from Portage Ave (the door is unlocked).
RSVPs are appreciated but not
necessary. Hope to see you then! Sounds like a good one.
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Bicycle wayfinding signs are different than other signs placed in the right of way because they are part of a system of sequential destination information; thus, planning, placement and maintenance are critical to maintaining the system. This webinar will go beyond the guidance found in the MUTCD and the 2012 AASHTO Bicycle Guide to consider the details of developing and implementing a city-wide bicycle sign system. Planners, engineers, municipal staff and consultants should attend this webinar to gain a better understanding of an increasingly common bicycle facility.
The presentation will cover these topics:
Examples from Seattle, Baltimore, and other locations will be included. (Note that the APBP webinar on January 16 will address the topic of Best Practices in Pedestrian Wayfinding.)