Please join Green Action Centre and Bike Winnipeg on Wed, April 25th, for a group viewing of the monthly APBP webinar in the EcoCentre boardroom followed by discussion for those who wish to stay.
Got Counts? Now what?
The April webinar features emerging applications for count data and real-life case studies. You'll hear about North Carolina's cyclist data program and how to move from a sporadic count to a more intentional programmatic system. You'll also learn about a project from the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and Fehr & Peers to place counters and develop approaches for utilizing the multi-modal count data for planning, funding, and evaluation. They'll discuss the approach for forecasting activity on specific facilities and how multi-modal counts can inform changes in mode share.
Beth McKechnie | Workplace Commuter Options
3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave | (204) 925-3777 x102 | Find us here
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