I found the article on "The physics of why bicyclists hate stop signs" particularly interesting. If you want to go straight to the original essay/paper:
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Haynes
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 9:14 AM
Subject: Active Transportation - Canada: April 22, 2009

Active Transportation - Canada features a regular posting of news articles, studies, reports, and other items that have relevance in this field, with previous postings available in an archive. In addition, pictures of existing Active Transportation infrastructure from communities across Canada will be profiled each week.
The following items have recently been posted to the Active Transportation - Canada Blog. To view in more detail, go to: http://activetransportation-canada.blogspot.com
AT Infrastructure Example: Yellowknife NT - Frame Lake Walkway
  1. Report - Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center: Case Study Compendium
  2. Article - But the emperor has no clothes!
  3. Article - Urban design turning kids off being active
  4. Article - Go ahead, take a walk in the park
  5. Report - The physics of why bicyclists hate stop signs
  6. Article - Ottawa: Skateboarder contests city's helmet proposal
  7. Article - Australia: Eco suburb plan unveiled for city
  8. Video - L.A.’s Orange Line: Bus Rapid Transit (plus bike path!)
  9. Article - Thinner is better to curb global warming, study says
  10. Article - EU Digs Deep in Public Rental Bikes
  11. Article - University of Kentucky plans bicycle permit parking
  12. Article - South Korea: [President] Lee Highlights Plans to Promote Bicycle Use
  13. Article - Plan to reduce speed limit to 30km/h throughout most of Dublin city centre
  14. Article - Taiwan to promote bike tourism
  15. Article - Can Abu Dhabi be a pedestrian city?
A reminder e-mail of new postings will be sent no more often than once per week. To continue to receive these updates, you need take no action. Should you not wish to receive updates, please return this e-mail with "Unsubscribe" in the Subject area.
Interested in an AT workshop in your community? For more information, please contact:
Michael Haynes
TransActive Solutions