City of Winnipeg Bike Maps Now Available

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Dickson, Erik Date: Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 9:34 AM Subject: City of Winnipeg Bike Maps Now Available To: Dickson, Erik
Good morning!
My name is Erik Dickson. I am the Livable Streets Specialist at the City of Winnipeg. I work in the Active Transportation Branch at Public Works. The City has recently released an updated Bike Map (Version 7). Please see the news release here as well as links to the online PDF version of the map:
Print maps are now available in both English and French and are free. In the past the City has greatly valued the partnership with local community bike shops and advocates to assist in delivery of Bike Maps to the general public. If you are interested in obtaining Bike Maps to hand out to customers/clients/supporters/etc., please let me know how many maps of each language you require and I would be happy to coordinate delivery to you.
For reference, if you are asking for a ‘box’ of maps, they come in boxes of 120-130 maps. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call or send me an email. Thank you very much for your help in promoting the City of Winnipeg Cycling Network.
[image: City of Winnipeg logo]
*Erik Dickson, MCIP, RPP*
Livable Streets Specialist
*Transportation Division*
*Public Works Department*
*Mobile: *204-471-1834
*Email: *
*Website: *
*Address: *101-1155 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P1
*Connect with us:*
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participants (1)
Beth McKechnie