Green Lane Project - Selling Biking series

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[image: Green Lane Project] This week's Green Lane Project news Selling biking: Perceived safety, the barrier that still matters Nov 07, 2013 02:57 am
*Second in a series about opinions held by the "swing voters" of bicycling*
To people who ride bikes in many U.S. cities, Portland and San Francisco might feel like heaven. But for the thousands of people in those cities who own bikes but don't ride frequently, that's far from the case.
Asked to rate the amount at which they were "concerned about safety when cycling in your city" on a scale of 1 to 5, three-quarters of such riders said read more [image: Like Selling biking: Perceived safety, the barrier that still matters on Facebook] [image: Google Plus One Button] [image: share on Twitter]
Selling biking: A new study on the ‘swing voters’ of the street Nov 06, 2013 07:43 am
*First in a series.*
San Francisco and Portland are celebrated as two of the best U.S. cities for biking. In fact, one in every 25 American bike commuters lives in one of these two cities.
But even in these cities' bike-friendly neighborhoods, hundreds of thousands of people — it's perhaps half the population — have ridden bikes before but rarely use them.
What's stopping them?
Even if they don't personally bike, what images make them read more [image: Like Selling biking: A new study on the ‘swing voters’ of the street on Facebook] [image: Google Plus One Button] [image: share on Twitter]
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie