2012 Complete Streets Forum - Toronto, April 23rd

Complete Streets Forum 2012
From: Toronto Centre for Active Transportation (TCAT)
Is walkability, bikeability, mobility, or livability part of your work?
The 2012 Complete Streets Forum is TCAT's fifth annual active transportation conference taking place on April 23, 2012 at Evergreen Brick Works http://tcat.ca/completestreetsforum2012/venue. The Complete Streets Forum represents a holistic approach to active transportation policy and planning with a focus on cycling and walking while maintaining the interests of other road users.
The Forum continues to develop the program of sharing research, best practices, and creative solutions for designing and implementing safe and inviting streets for everyone.
The themes and program for the upcoming conference have incorporated feedback from 2011 attendees and is focusing on providing direct experience with implementing Complete Streets, including policy, tools, and examples. The conference will provide numerous opportunities to learn from, consult with, and network with professionals with Complete Streets experience across North America.
*The goal of the 2012 Complete Streets Forum is to accelerate the implementation of Complete Streets across Canada.*
We invite all professionals working to improve our communities, cities, and urban landscape for all road users, including, cycling, walking, and transit, of all ages and abilities to join us. The presentations and workshops will be of particular interest to planners, transportation officials, public health professionals, engineers, urban designers, architects, landscape architects, developers, accessibility and mobility experts, emergency responders, taxi drivers, non-profits, and more.
Read more: http://www.tcat.ca/completestreetsforum2012
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie