Hello everyone,


Please find attached the following information regarding the 2019-2020 NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR Awards. If you need further information on any of the attached items, please do not hesitate to ask.


1.       Overview of the various Tri-Council Award internal deadlines as well as additional information that you may find helpful. For your convenience, each award has a link to the FGS Awards database.

2.       NSERC

a.       Memo to Departments

b.       NSERC Memo to SLO & Deans (from NSERC Ottawa)

*Notes: -  U of M’s quota is 24. However, any students who have self-declared as Indigenous (Canada) may be recommended to Ottawa beyond the quota of 24 as long as they meet the eligibility requirements.

                                - The Awards Officer in FGS is the university designate responsible for uploading students’ transcripts to their applications. Please advise students to use my contact information:

                                                Rowena Krentz

                                                Awards Officer

                                                Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Manitoba


3.       SSHRC

a.       Memo to Departments

b.       SSHRC Departmental Ranking Sheet

c.       2019-2020 SSHRC Doctoral Awards Competition Roles and Responsibilities (from SSHRC Ottawa)

*New for 2019-2020* U of M’s quota is 21. However, any students who have self-declared as Indigenous (Canada) may be recommended to Ottawa beyond the quota of 21 as long as they meet the eligibility requirements.


There are no attachments pertaining to the Canada Graduate Scholarship Master’s (CGSM) Awards for NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR because students are required to complete the application and submit their application

directly through the Research Portal. The application deadline is December 3rd and there are no internal deadlines. Information is available on the CGSM Website  as well as the FGS Awards Database


Please be advised that the Faculty of Graduate Studies does not administer the CIHR Doctoral Scholarship. Please contact the Office of Research Services for information regarding this award.


Kindly forward this information to other staff and faculty members who may find this information of interest.


Thank you




Rowena Krentz B.Comm. (Hons)
Awards Officer
Faculty of Graduate Studies • University of Manitoba
500 University Centre • Winnipeg, Manitoba • R3T 2N2
T 204.474.9836 • F 204.474.7553

Visit us Online: FGS Website · Facebook · Twitter