Please note the following request for feedback regarding SSHRC’s award programs. There is a response deadline of December 15, 2011. Please click on the link below for details.  This request will be sent to all graduate students, but I would like to request your assistance in distributing this information to your faculty members and any other parties you think may be interested.


Thank you,




Marcia Yoshida

Awards Officer

Faculty of Graduate Studies

University of Manitoba

Phone: (204) 474-9836





From: Krcevinac,Gordana [mailto:Gordana.Krcevinac@SSHRC-CRSH.GC.CA]
Sent: November 16, 2011 10:23 AM
To: SSHRC-ONET Deans of Graduate Studies; SSHRC-ONET SLO Fellowships; SSHRC-ONET SLO Masters Program Contact; SSHRC-ONET SLO Doctoral Pre-Selection Contact
Cc: Copeland-Ladouceur,Anne-Marie


Le français suit.



Members and partners of the social sciences and humanities community:


SSHRC is continuing the process of renewing its program architecture with the renewal of the funding opportunities under the Talent program. This program supports the development of the next generation of researchers and leaders across society.  


A discussion document on the renewal of Talent is now posted on SSHRC’s website. You are invited to provide feedback by December 15, 2011. Your feedback will be considered in possible adjustments and improvements to the Talent suite of funding opportunities.


You can find the consultation document, as well as a form for providing your response at the following link:





Brent Herbert-Copley, PhD                                 Gisèle Yasmeen, PhD

Vice-President                                                     Vice-President

Research Capacity                                                Research








À l’intention des membres et des partenaires de la communauté des sciences humaines :


Le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH) continue le renouvellement de l’architecture de ses programmes en renouvelant les occasions de financement liées au programme Talent.  Ce programme appuie la formation de la prochaine génération de chercheurs et de chefs de file de la société. 


Un document de discussion est maintenant affiché dans le site web du CRSH.  Nous vous invitions à le commenter d’ici le 15 décembre 2011. Vos commentaires nous aideront à ajuster et à améliorer les occasions de financement liées au programme Talent.


Vous trouverez le document, ainsi qu’un formulaire pour nous fournir vos commentaires à l’adresse suivante :






Brent Herbert-Copley, PhD                         Gisèle Yasmeen, PhD

Vice- président                                          Vice-présidente

Capacité de recherche                               Recherche







Gordana Krcevinac
Director | Directrice
Research Training Portfolio| Portefeuille de la formation en recherche
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada
350 Albert Street | 350, rue Albert, Ottawa, ON  K1P 6G4
| C :
T : 613.992.0530   F | T : 613.943.1329


We develop talent. Nous cultivons le talent.

We build knowledge. Nous bâtissons le savoir