To Awards Contacts:

The following has been sent to graduate students.  Please note the revised deadline date for the Governor General's Gold Medal.  Each department should still be in touch with their Faculty to find out when submissions are due.  The new April 8 deadline is for the faculties to submit to Graduate Studies.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards
Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards

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     The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following competition(s) to your attention:

Announcements: 06 March 2009

Title of Award or Scholarship
Application Deadline or Date of Event
Research Area
Study Level (M=Master, D=Doctoral)

G. Clarence Elliott Fellowship

March 15 Agriculture
Housing & Community Planning
M, D 70% of annual interest earned on fund up to a maximum of $10,000.00
CANADIAN LIVER FOUNDATION RESEARCH GRANT PROGRAM March 31 acute fatty liver disease, pregnancy HELLP syndrome M, D $10,000
IDRC - DOCTORAL RESEARCH AWARDS April 1 Social & Economic Equity; Env & Natural resource mgmnt; information & comm technologies D up to $20,000 per year
IDRC - CANADIAN WINDOW ON INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT April 1 Canada's Foreign Affairs Policy & Pressing Domestic Problems M, D $20,000
ALZHEIMER SOCIETY OF MANITOBA - GRADUATE STUDENT FELLOWSHIP AWARDS April 1 Alzheimer Disease and Other Related Dementia M, D 2 awards valued at $3,000 each
CENTRE ON AGING AWARDS April 1 aging M, D varies
GOVERNOR GENERAL'S GOLD MEDAL April 8 unrestricted M, D Gold medal


Course: Electronics for Fieldwork

This 2-day course is designed to give users of electronic field equipment a basic understanding of electronics. Participants learn how to diagnose problems, make common “field fixes” and understand troubleshooting advice
from off-site technical advisors. Course content is tailored to the needs of each class and special topics can usually be incorporated into the curriculum.

The instructor has an extensive background in both electronics and field biology and, so, understands the problems of “electronics in the bush”. Hands-on class time gives students experience in how to use test instruments to diagnose problems, skills needed to affect basic repairs and knowledge to help design some custom solutions.

See pdf here.



The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA)

Understanding the Complexity of Aging and Health through Interdisciplinary Research
Parminder Raina, PhD
Professor, Department of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics
McMaster University
Lead Principal Investigator, Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging

Recent advances in biosciences and population health herald exciting opportunities to conduct high-impact population health research. On a background of technological and scientific innovation, the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) is being launched as a program of research and platform to investigate the complexities of the aging process and improve our understanding of the transitions and trajectories of healthy aging. The CLSA is a Canada-wide, 20-year follow-up study of 50,000 people between the ages of 45 and 85 years at baseline. It is a research initiative that bridges biological and population sciences to create a future “Legacy Research Platform” that will provide scientists with the resources essential to pursue leading-edge research. The presentation by Dr. Raina will provide an overview of the CLSA and opportunities for research nationally and locally.

Monday, March 30, 2009
12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.
Theatre A
Basic Medical Sciences Building
730 William Ave.

Following Dr. Raina’s presentation all are invited to reconvene in

S211 Medical Services Building
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

where Research Affiliates, faculty members, research staff and students will have an opportunity for more in-depth discussions with Dr. Raina following brief presentations by Peter Cattini, Associate Vice-President (Research), Professor, Physiology, and Philip St. John, Internal/Geriatric Medicine. Dr. Cattini will speak about the importance of such large scale studies from his perspective as a basic scientist; Dr. St. John will speak from the clinical perspective.

A light lunch will be served. Please RSVP (474-8754) by Tuesday March 24.

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Christal Barkman
Awards Assistant
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg MB  R3T 2N2
ph: (204) 474.6827
fax: (204) 474.7553