The Faculty of Graduate Studies
would like to bring the following competition(s) to your attention:
06 February 2009
of Award or Scholarship |
Deadline or Date of Event
Area |
Study Level
(M=Master, D=Doctoral)
March 2 |
Aboriginal issues |
D |
$16,000 |
March 2 |
Education, Law, and most
departments in the Faculty of Arts |
M, D |
$600 maximum to help defray costs
of attending the conference |
For 2009 only,
the March deadline will be March 2 |
unrestricted |
M, D |
$500 for travel in North America,
$750 for international travel |
March 15 |
Housing & Community Planning |
M, D |
70% of annual interest earned on
fund up to a maximum of $10,000.00 |
March 1 |
Freshwater Aquatic Science |
M, D |
$2,500 |
March 1 |
Ukrainian or Ukrainian-Canadian
topic |
M, D |
$2,000-$15,000 depending upon
award |
Public Safety Canada (PSC) is seeking to encourage graduate research in
support of its mandate, which is to enhance the safety and security of
Canadians in their physical and cyber environments.
These awards are available for those students who
are studying and conducting research in the area of Emergency
Management (EM). This includes work in the areas of one or more of the
four pillars of Emergency Management; mitigation, preparedness,
response and recovery. Studies focused on the all hazards approach with
regard to EM are encouraged, as are studies in cyber security, disaster
management, and critical infrastructure protection and assurance*.
Cross disciplinary / multi-disciplinary studies in these areas are
preferred and encouraged. Preferred disciplines are regional planning,
engineering, environmental studies, computer science, geography,
sociology, economics and/or areas such as risk modeling and system
*For a definition of what PSC deems to be critical
infrastructure see:
Number of Awards: Eight (8)
Value: $19,250 CDN
Deadline Date: March
31, 2009
Interested candidates will find the information
needed to apply for this program in a PDF or Word format by visiting
the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada’s website
Symposium: ETD 2009 Symposium on
Electronic Theses and Dissertations
The ETD 2009 Symposium on Electronic Theses and
Dissertations is organized by the Networked
Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD).
The NDLTD initiative is an open federation of
hundreds of universities and supporting organizations worldwide
including research institutions and private companies.
The 2009 conference will be held June 10 – 13 at
the University of Pittsburgh in
Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.
ETD 2009 will provide a forum to:
- Share the secrets of successful ETD,
institutional repositories and open access programs.
- Learn about new developments related to ETD
authoring, archiving and dissemination.
- Meet and discuss ETD challenges and issues
with peer participants in your region.
- Build skills that will facilitate ETD
implementation at your university.
- Review issues that influence the success of
your ETD program.
- Share experiences and research with the ETD
Deadline for Abstract Submission: February 16, 2009
43rd Annual Prairie Universities
Biological Symposium (PUBS) Conference
Designed by graduate students for graduate and
senior undergraduate students, the 43rd Annual PUBS brings prairie
university students together to exchange ideas and research in various
Conference topics include but are not confined to
aquatic biology, behavioural ecology, botany, chemistry/biochemistry,
genetics, geography, kinesiology, molecular biology, natural history,
neuroscience, palaeontology, parasitology and toxicology.
More info at
Transportation Association of Canada Foundation
Just a reminder that the
Transportation Association of Canada Foundation Scholarships deadline
is March 2, 2009.
Full details on the Foundation can be found or by
contacting the Foundation at
Foundation scholarships are intended to provide
education assistance in technical areas or disciplines which will
contribute to safe, secure, efficient, effective and environmentally
and financially sustainable transportation services in support of
Canada's social and economic goals.
In Canada as a whole, the Foundation's primary
focus for educational support (scholarships) is on roadways and their
strategic linkages and inter-relationships with other components of the
transportation system.
In urban areas, the primary focus is on the
movement of people, goods and services and its relationship with land
use patterns and other transportation modes.
EQUIPP: Enhancing Qualitative
Understanding of Illness Process and Prevention
A CIHR STIHR Program - click for more
EQUIPP is a one-year certificate training program
in qualitative methodologies for graduate and post doctoral students
and researchers from all disciplines, interested in health research.
The program is offered through the University of Alberta under the
auspices of the Faculty of Nursing. This program is a Strategic
Training Initiative in Health Research (STIHR) currently funded by the
Institute of Gender and Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
(IGH, CIHR). The trans-disciplinary program combines formal classes,
interactive seminars, and hands-on research experience to provide the
best possible learning experience. Focusing on research methods, rather
than any one health care discipline, graduates will return to the
workforce prepared to conduct research in any area. Limited fellowship
funding is available based on CIHR guidelines.
The overall objective of the EQUIPP training program is to prepare new
investigators, postdoctoral, doctoral and masters trainees to be
leaders in Canada and globally with the highest level of skill in
qualitative and mixed method transdisciplinary health research. This
objective will be accomplished by 1) enhancing our already developed
superior training and mentoring environment; 2) supporting
collaboration between trainees and mentors, including those leading
transdisciplinary research teams; and 3) providing meaningful training
in the ethical conduct of qualitative and mixed method research,
facilitating translation of qualitative knowledge, and enhancing
professional skills development.
The EQUIPP training program is currently in its final year of funding,
ending April 2009. The Committee has applied to CIHR for a renewal of
funding which, if successful, will enable the program to offer
qualitative training for a further six years, starting May 2009.
Community Health and Humanities,
Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Applications for a tenure track
position in Environmental/Occupational Health
The appointment will be at the
Assistant Professor level and salary will be commensurate with
qualifications and experience. Individuals who are currently in the
later stages of their graduate training are encouraged to apply. A
completed earned doctorate is required for the appointee to receive the
rank of Assistant Professor and to be in a tenure-track position. (If
a successful candidate has not completed an earned doctorate, he/she
shall be appointed to a regular term, non-renewable three-year
appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor. If the candidate
completes all the requirements for the doctorate during the first 24
months of the term appointment, he/she shall begin a tenure-track
appointment following completion of the requirements of the degree).
The successful candidate will contribute to the undergraduate and
graduate programs within the Division; establish and maintain an
independent, externally funded program of applied health research; and
participate in service activities.
Candidates will be expected to possess a PhD in a
relevant health field and have expertise in any combination of the
following areas: air quality, food and water quality, climate change,
toxicology, environmental/occupational exposures, and
environmental/occupational health policies. Preference will be given
to applicants who have experience working with community stakeholders
and familiarity with geographical information systems in the
environmental/occupational health context.
Applications should be addressed to:
Dr. Shree Mulay, Associate Dean, Division of Community Health and
Humanities, Faculty of Medicine, Health Sciences Memorial University of
Newfoundland, Room 2843, Health Sciences Centre, A1B 3V6. Applications
can be submitted electronically to
or by fax: (709) 777-7382.
The application package should include curriculum
vitae, contact details of three referees, a letter of application,
one sample of scholarly writing, an overview and discussion of
qualifications and interests as they relate to the position, and a
statement of teaching philosophy.
The deadline for application is May 1, 2009.
Theme: Earth Systems
Prize: $250,000 USD
Notice of intent to nominate is encouraged: February
28, 2009
Complete Nomination: April 30, 2009
Dear Colleague:
On behalf of The Franklin Institute, I invite you to nominate
candidates for the 2010 Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in
Science. This award is presented annually by The Franklin Institute to
an individual of any nationality for outstanding work in the basic,
applied, or engineering sciences. Each year, a predetermined field of
study is chosen as a theme. A gold medal and a cash prize of $250,000
are awarded to the individual selected to receive the award.
The theme for the 2010 Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science
is Earth Systems. The Franklin Institute seeks nominations of
individuals who have made significant scientific contributions to our
understanding of the interrelationships among Earth Systems leading to
increased predictability of natural or human-induced changes on
the planet. Nominations should recognize efforts that encompass various
earth systems and processes, including: the Earth's interior,
lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere, biogeochemical
cycles, and Earth history.
The Franklin Institute Awards Program is among the oldest and most
comprehensive international science and technology awards programs in
the world. The list of Franklin Institute laureates reads like a "Who's
Who" in the history of 19th, 20th, and 21st century science, including
such titans as Thomas Edison, Marie and Pierre Curie, Rudolph Diesel,
Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Enrico Fermi, Ruth Patrick, Stephen
Hawking, Ralph Cicerone, Sir Martin Rees, Noam Chomsky, Paul Baran, Rob
Van der Voo, Luna Leopold and M. Gordon Wolman, and Wallace Broecker. I
urge you to nominate a candidate whose name should be added to this
distinguished list.
For more information on nominating a candidate for The 2010 Bower Award
and Prize for Achievement in Science, please visit:
Questions about the appropriateness of a particular nomination are
welcome and should be directed to Dr. Frederic Bertley, Vice President,
The Franklin Institute, at
If you know of a candidate who has made an extraordinary contribution
in the area of Earth Systems, I strongly encourage you to participate
in this 2010 Bower nomination process. |
Call for Abstracts: Higher Education and Civic
Engagement Partnerships: Create, Challenge, Change
Campus Engage, a network
for the promotion of civic engagement activities in Irish higher
education, has issued a call for abstracts for its inaugural conference
on June 4th and 5th 2009.
The conference, entitled Higher Education and Civic Engagement
Partnerships: Create, Challenge, Change is being co-sponsored by the
Talloires Network. It will bring together higher education academics
and administrators, people involved in community organizations and
students, from Ireland and beyond. It will provide participants with an
opportunity to discuss the potential for change through service
learning / community-based learning, research, civic education and
The conference will be organized around four general themes:
Philosophy, Practice, Policy, and Partnership.
Abstracts can be submitted in the following formats:
* Oral Presentations / Papers (20 minutes)
* Workshops (90 minutes)
* Posters
Submissions are welcome from individuals but we also encourage
collaborative contributions blending community, student and academic
perspectives. While not exclusive, preference will be given to
submissions that address the conference themes listed above. Abstracts
of not more than 500 words, written in English, should be submitted
through the conference website (
on or before 12 noon, Monday February
16th 2009. Applications cannot be accepted by email. If
you have any queries or difficulties please contact the Conference
Secretariat at
( |
RICH EARTH - Two Nights Only ! Sat. & Sun/ Feb. 7 & 8
/ 7:00 PM
Two Nights Only ! Sat. & Sun/ Feb. 7
& 8 / 7:00 PM
THE Winnipeg Film Group CINEMATHEQUE, 100 ARTHUR
Introduced By Director (and former Winnipegger)
Malcolm Rogge
Rogge’s latest documentary tells of an
extraordinary and overlooked collision between the global mining
corporation Ascendent Copper and the humble family farmers of Ecudaor’s
Intag Valley. With its blend of incredible on-site footage, shocking
activities, and stunning first person accounts, Rogge’s film
effectively unearths the saga of a tiny community forced into battle
against the world.
International Medical Students
Research Congress 2009 - Call for Abstracts
International Medical Students Research
Congress 2009 İstanbul / Turkey
8 - 10 May 2009
Call for abstracts
Deadline: 15
February 2009
Dear international medical students, Have
you performed scientific research which you would like to present to
(bio)medical students from all over the world? Over 300 students will
attend the International Medical Students Conference / Approximately
150 students will present their results. Don't miss it!! Send in your
abstract !!
- Date: 8 - 10 May 2009 - Place: Istanbul/ Turkey - Subjects: All
(bio)medical Researches - Presentation: Poster and oral presentation -
Awards: MAX. 1000 Euros - Accommodation: 3 nights for in a 3 star hotel
- Including: Breakfast, lunch, dinner and social programme. - Deadline:
15 February 2009
American Society for Engineering
Education : ASEE Spring 2009 Northeast Conference
April 3-4, 2009
The Spring 2009 Northeast ASEE Conference will be
held on April 3-4, 2009 at the University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport,
Connecticut, U.S.A. This year's conference theme is: Engineering
in the New Global Economy.
In the coming years, our world will continue to
face economical, environmental and energy related problems. How is
Engineering and Engineering Technology Education responding to the
needs of our society and the world? This will be the theme for an
exhilarating and thought provoking weekend of professional workshops,
presentations, and discussions at the University of Bridgeport. The
ASEE Northeast Section is soliciting faculty papers, student papers and
student posters which address the various challenges and paradigms in
this technological world through research and instructional programs in
Engineering and Engineering Technology education.
There are three conference tracks: 1. Regular/
faculty papers 2. Student papers and 3. Student posters
The deadline for abstract submission is February 27th, 2009.
Prospective authors are invited to submit their abstracts online in
Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format through the conference website at
Suggested conference topics are listed below. Other innovations in
course and laboratory experiences and assessments are also most welcome
for submission: • Chemical and Biological Engineering • Civil &
Environmental Engineering • Electrical & Computer Engineering •
Engineering Technology/ Community Colleges • Industrial, Automation and
Manufacturing Engineering • Engineering Technology and Community
Colleges • Innovations In Engineering Education • First Year
Experiences • K-12 Education (Engineering Curriculum Integration) •
Mechanical Engineering • Computer Science and Information Technology •
Women in Engineering and Computer Science • Robotics • Service Learning
• Sustainability • Design Projects • Engineering and Technology in the
Liberal Arts • Systems Engineering • Globalization • Ethics • Diversity
In Engineering • Multidisciplinary Research Paper and other Proposal
Prospective authors are invited to submit their
abstracts online in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format through the
website of the conference at
Proposals for special sessions, tutorials, worskshops and exhibitions
are also welcome. Please check the conference website regarding
instructions for these proposal submissions.
Important Dates:
Abstracts due 27th February, 2009
Acceptance notification 6th March, 2009
Final manuscript & Registration due 20th March, 2009
Centre on Aging Student
Centre on Aging Student Scholarships that are
available for 2009 - 2010.
The Centre on Aging has several funding
opportunities that are meant to encourage the furthering of studies in
aging and gerontology. These awards have been made available through
gifts and donations made to the Centre.
Alzheimer Society awards and CIHR opportunities
are also available.
There are awards open to both undergraduate and
graduate students. For more information on a specific award, please
refer to our website:
and click on For Students: Funding. Specific criteria and application
forms can also be found on the website. If you require any further
information, please contact me at the address below. Keep in mind the
deadline for applications is April 1, 2009.
Trish Macdonald, BHEc Coordinator Centre on Aging
338 Isbister Building
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2
Fax: (204)474-7576
CIHR Institute of Gender and Health
In June 2009 CIHR's
Institute of Gender and Health will host its inaugural summer institute
for trainees (graduate students and post-doctoral fellows). The summer
institute will take place at the University of British Columbia
(Vancouver, BC) from June 23-26, 2009. This residential workshop will
offer participants an opportunity to increase their understanding of
methods for gender, sex and health research, as well as the
opportunities and challenges that arise from the application of these
methods. The Summer Institute will also give participants the chance to
network with colleagues and mentors from across Canada working in the
field of gender, sex and health research.
We are accepting applications from trainees until March 1, 2009.
Application forms and further information about the summer institute
are available in both official languages on our website:
CIHR Institute of Gender and Health 2009 Summer Institute:
Atelier d'été 2009 de l'Institut de la santé des femmes et des hommes
des IRSC:
Department of National Defence:
2009 Awards, Scholarship and Internship Programs
The Department of National Defence has launched
the following 2009 Awards, Scholarship and Internship Programs:
SDF Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (including the
R.B. Byers Postdoctoral Fellowship)
SDF PhD Scholarship Program (including the Dr.
Ronald Baker Doctoral Scholarship)
SDF Master of Arts Scholarship Program
SDF Internship Program
SDF Aboriginal Scholarship Program
Applications must arrive at the AUCC by February 9, 2009. Interested
candidates will find the information needed to apply for these programs
by visiting the Department of National Defence website:
IGSS Application Form Available
Beginning with the 2005-2006 academic session,
scholarships will be offered to recognize and reward the excellence of
international graduate students pursuing Master’s or Ph.D. degrees at
the University of Manitoba. The scholarships will be offered to
students who:
(1) are international students (i.e., those in
Canada on study permits) continuing in full-time study in the Faculty
of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba in either the second
year of a two-year Master’s program, the second year of a two-year
Ph.D. program, the second or third year of a three-year Ph.D. program,
or in the first year of a Ph.D. program after completing a Master’s
degree at the University of Manitoba;
(2) are paying the international student tuition
(3) have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point
average of 3.5 over the equivalent of the last two years of study;
(4) show great promise as researchers and as
graduate students; and
(5) are not recipients of external funding that
pays for their tuition.
The value of the scholarship is $4,000.
This scholarship may be held with the UMGF and
other awards offered by the University of Manitoba, but may not be held
in conjunction with the International Graduate Student Entrance
Scholarship (IGSES) and the International Graduate Student Bursary
(IGSB). Students may be considered for this scholarship in each year of
eligible study. Students who are enrolled in a re-registration year are
not eligible.
Scholarships will only be applied against any
outstanding international tuition fee differential.
