The Faculty of Graduate Studies
would like to bring the following competition(s) to your attention:
for the week ending: 04 July 2008
Cystic Fibrosis
Research Grants - Intent to Apply Form
The Canadian Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation invites investigators to submit a notice of intent to apply
to the October 2008 Grants Competition. All research grant
applicants, initial and renewal, must advise the Foundation’s office of
their intent to apply for funding. No more than one initial
application may be submitted to a single competition.
The Notice of Intent to Apply
form and further information are available on the CCFF website ( The
Full Application form, updated for 2008, will be available on the
website in early August.
Please note the Foundation’s upcoming deadline for
notices of intent to apply to the Small Team Grant and Research Grant
competitions. Details about these grants follow below. For both, the
application process is comprised of two steps: 1) a notice of intent to
apply and 2) the full application.
registration deadline for the notice of intent is August 1,
deadline date for receipt of the full application is October 1,
If you have any questions,
please contact me at the Foundation’s office.
Initiative Request for Applications: Team Grant in Cystic Fibrosis
The Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is pleased
to announce a highly ambitious team-based research initiative towards
the goal of a cure or effective control for CF. This Request for
Applications (RFA) will fund a team grant in the range of $333,333 per
year, for up to three years, beginning in January 2009.
The purpose of the Team Grant program is to
support the creation or further development of a CF research team
conducting high-quality collaborative research with a translational
focus that will lead to an enhanced understanding of CF and have the
potential to cure or more effectively control CF. It is expected that
the production of new knowledge and the translation of research
findings into improvements in the health of CF patients will be
realized more rapidly and more efficiently through the collaboration of
a team, than if the components were to be funded separately.
Further information regarding this RFA may be
obtained on the CCFF website (
Seeking Project Proposals

MITACS is soliciting proposals for new full and
seed projects. Full projects are expected to have multi-year duration
with an annual budget of $80K to $200K. Seed projects in this
competition are expected to have a 24 month duration, show potential to
grow into full projects, and have an annual budget of $20K to $50K. All
projects are also expected to solicit non-NCE partner funds. MITACS is
primarily interested in projects within its current theme areas.
However the overall merit of the project carries the highest priority
and projects in potentially new application areas are also encouraged.
Submissions should be sent by email to and arrive by
September 19, 2008 to be eligible in this competition. New projects
will be selected from these on the recommendation of the Research
Management Committee, with an announcement of the selection and funding
levels planned for February 2009, after approval of the MITACS Board of
Directors. Projects chosen by the MITACS Research Management Committee
(RMC) are expected to start on April 1, 2009.
You are strongly encouraged to discuss your
project ideas with MITACS before submitting your final proposal so that
it best reflects the priorities that the MITACS Research Management
Committee has set out. Inquiries regarding this competition can be
directed to MITACS at
For detailed submission instructions, guidelines,
and a template for your submission please visit the MITACS web page at
Fellowships and Congresses
Canadian Council on Animal Care
Fellowship in Animal Policy Development
The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) is
currently accepting applications from suitably qualified candidates to
work within the Guidelines Program of the CCAC on ethical issues and
policy development in either of the two following areas: regulatory
testing or emerging technologies, specifically genetically-engineered
CCAC is the national agency responsible for
overseeing the use of animals in Canadian science. The interrelated
programs of the CCAC, Assessments, Guidelines and Education, Training
and Communication, provide a peer-based system to ensure the ethical
use of animals for research, teaching and testing purposes.
The CCAC fellowship is being offered to provide
support to recent doctoral or masters graduates or other individuals
with comparable levels of combined education and training. Specifically
the fellowship:
- creates an opportunity for young graduates to
explore the ethical issues involved in the use of animals in science,
gain experience and seek careers in the translation of scientific
knowledge into policy;
- promotes awareness of the interrelationships
between science and ethics;
- facilitates the transfer of knowledge from the
scientific environment into practical application;
- assists in integrating the work of the CCAC
within the scientific community; and
- fosters partnerships between scientists and
other stakeholders concerned for the use of animals in science.
The Fellowship will normally be for a two-year
period, based on submission of a satisfactory progress report after the
first year. The suitably qualified individual may also work towards a
graduate degree in public administration through the University of
The successful candidate will be co-mentored by a member of the CCAC
Secretariat and by an expert in the area of study.
Further information and application instructions are available on the
CCAC website ( and from the CCAC office ( Canadian Council
on Animal Care 130-1510 Albert St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5G4.
Application deadline:
July 18, 2008
17th International Congress on
Palliative Care
Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to inform you that the Detailed
Programme of the 17th International Congress on Palliative Care, to be
held September 23-26, 2008 at the Palais des Congrès in Montréal,
Canada, is now available on the Congress web site at .
Founded in 1976 under the leadership of palliative
care pioneer Dr. Balfour Mount and presented by the Palliative Care
Division of the Departments of Medicine and Oncology of McGill
University, this biennial Congress has grown to become one of the
premier international events in palliative care. Bringing together
over 1500 participants from around the world, the Congress provides an
opportunity to review and share the latest developments in research as
well as perspectives on end-of-life care from different cultures,
spiritual traditions, and professions.
This year’s outstanding programme features five
plenary sessions, four all-day Concurrent Seminars, research fora, 160
workshops, proffered papers and symposia, and over 200 posters.
Among the highlights:
- the opening plenary by world-renowned
philosopher Professor Charles Taylor, Winner of the 2008 Kyoto Prize
for Arts and Philosophy and the 2007 Templeton Prize;
- an all-day seminar on International Issues –
Palliative Care as a Basic Human Right;
- a special focus on Pediatric Palliative Care,
including an all-day seminar and at least one workshop or proffered
paper session on pediatric palliative care in every time slot;
- a full-day Clinical Master Class, given by
international leaders in clinical palliative medicine;
- in-depth seminars on Healing and Whole-Person
Care, Family Caregivers, and Volunteer Training.
For the first time, the Congress will be
trilingual, with simultaneous interpretation of all plenaries as well
as selected sessions, into Spanish as well as French.
Join the healthcare professionals, therapists,
volunteers and all those involved in palliative care who come to renew
themselves as providers of care and to obtain the inspiration that will
help them shape the palliative care of the future!
Register before July 1st to benefit from the preferred rate! For more
information or to register, please visit or call
450-292-3456, ext. 227.
We look forward to welcoming you in Montreal!
April O’Donoughue
