Hello everyone,

Please find attached an updated list of UMGF allocation for the 2017-2018 academic year. Additional available funds may have generated further UMGF allocation(s) for your unit/faculty. The highlighted column outlines your additional allocations – ie. If you have 2 allocations listed under the “New Additional 2017 Allocation”, you may submit 2 new UMGF recommendations on top of your last quota.

Note: Unlike the previous quota, the new allocations are not limited to a specific program. This means that you have the flexibility to recommend either a Master’s or Ph.D. student for your allocation.

Please complete the UMGF online form to submit your recommendations https://universityofmanitoba.formstack.com/forms/2017_2018_umgf_rec_form

Please be advised that the 2018-2019 UMGF Preliminary allocations will be available in November.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at Rowena.Krentz@umanitoba.ca


Thank you

Rowena Krentz




Rowena Krentz B.Comm. (Hons)
Awards Officer
Faculty of Graduate Studies • University of Manitoba
500 University Centre • Winnipeg, Manitoba • R3T 2N2
T 204.474.9836 • F 204.474.7553

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