Fenton Litwiller <>
Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 1:09 PM
To: CALS Board <>
Subject: Welcome to the CALS board!
Hello folks!
Welcome to the CALS board listserv. By responding to this listserv, you will reach everyone on the board (please see below for a full list of members and their university affiliation).
One announcement: because we did not have members who were able to act as hosts, CALS will not be attending Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities at McGill in 2024. We can deliberate our attendance at Congress 2025 once the location is announced.
We will meet as a board virtually in October and March (for about two hours) and in person (for a full day, in Winnipeg) in May (board members can be reimbursed for travel related
to this annual in person board meeting). There are three doodle polls below*, one for each of our meetings. Please fill these out by August 15, 2023.
*Please note the doodles are in Central time
October 3rd, virtual, two hour board meeting:
March 4th, virtual, two hour board meeting
We will have a full day in person board meeting in Winnipeg on May 15th or May 16th :
Thank you!
President: Fenton Litwiller (University of Manitoba)
Treasurer: Dan Henhawk (University of Manitoba)
Secretary: Kimberly Lopez (University of Waterloo)
Past President: Dawn Trussell (Brock University)
Director - Graduate Student: Giana Tomas (University of Waterloo)
Director - Graduate Student: Christine Ausman (Dalhousie University)
Director - Graduate Student: Monir Shahzeidi (University of British Columbia)
Director: Richard Norman (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Director: Audrey Giles (University of Ottawa)
Director: Colleen Reid (Douglas College)
Director: Élisabeth Beaunoyer (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières)
Director: Shintaro Kono (University of Alberta)
Director: Simon Barrick (Cape Breton University)
Director: Kyle Rich (Brock University)
Ex-Officio (non voting): Rebecca Genoe (Editor, Leisure/Loisir)
Dr. Fenton Litwiller (they/them/theirs)
Associate Professor
Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management | University of Manitoba
123 Frank Kennedy Centre | Winnipeg MB | R3T 2N2
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Metis Nation. I respect the Treaties that
were made on these territories, I acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and I am dedicated to move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.