Community Engaged Learning has two upcoming events!


Fire Building Workshop – Sat Mar 2, 1-4pm (for Indigenous community)


Land and Water invites the Indigenous community to join us for our fire-building workshop this Saturday. Together we will learn from UM sweat lodge helpers about fire-building, play some Indigenous traditional games, and make some food on the fire. This workshop will take place on the Fort Garry campus and is free and open to Indigenous students, staff, and faculty and Indigenous community members from outside the university.


Sign up online!


Intro to Community Work: Forward House – Sat Mar 9, 10:30 am to 3 pm (everyone welcome)


Are you interested in learning about transitional housing or joining a one-day volunteer opportunity? We’re looking for 20 volunteers to join us next Saturday at our upcoming community event with Forward House, a second stage transitional housing program for the men who have experienced incarceration, addictions, mental health issues, homelessness and poverty.


Volunteers will learn about Forward House through a presentation and site tour, have lunch with residents, and volunteer their time to help with reorganizing, cleaning, maintenance, and light renovation work in the house.


Event Details:
Date: Saturday, March 9
Time: 10:30am to 3pm
Location: 407 Chalmers Avenue (Elmwood)

Please register by March 6. This event is free and open to UM students, staff, and faculty, their friends and family, and members of the wider community who are interested in community work.



Anny Chen (she/her)

Lead, Community Engaged Learning

Tel: 204-474-6992


Student Affairs – Leaders in cultivating exceptional student experiences!


My home city, Winnipeg, sits on the original lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, and Dakota peoples and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. I am grateful to live and work on Treaty One Territory, and to have access to water from Shoal Lake #40 First Nation and hydroelectricity generated on the lands of many Indigenous communities in Northern Manitoba. As a descendant of refugees and immigrants who settled on Indigenous lands, I commit to challenging anti-Indigenous racism and supporting the work and leadership of Indigenous communities.