Community Leadership Development Program has an upcoming event offered in collaboration with Spiritual Care and the Multi-Faith Centre:


Spaces for Solidarity

Friday, April 5, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Multi-Faith Centre (521 A/B UMSU University Centre)


A sharing support circle for students impacted by the death of international student, Afolabi Opaso. Additional supports and resources for international students will be offered. Lunch will be served. For students observing Ramadan, to-go lunch bags will be provided. This service is offered by Spiritual Care and the Multi-Faith Centre in collaboration with the International Student Health Hub Huddle (Ih3), a project of CEL’s Community Leadership Development Program.


Please be sure to RSVP at, due to limited seat capacity.


Here are some other important events happening on-campus this Thursday:


Trans Pride Flag Raising & Speeches

Thursday, March 28, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

Fireside Lounge and outside UMSU University Centre


Join Rainbow Pride Centre and MB 2SLGBTQIA Student Action Coalition for the first official Trans Flag Raising and Trans Day of Visibility Event on the Fort Garry Campus! The event will begin with speakers in the Fireside Lounge in University Centre, followed by a raising of the Trans Flag on the pole outside of UC, and then return to the Fireside Lounge for a reception with snacks and coffee and some updates from UMPride.


Kwentong Tibak: Stories of Youth Activism in the Philippines

Thursday, March 28, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

307 Tier, Fort Garry campus


The term “tibak” is a slang term from the Tagalog word for activist which is “aktibista.” Join ANAKBAYAN for a zine-making and story-telling session with Winnipeg-based Filipino artist Ally Gonzalo as they share their experiences as a student activist in the Philippines, and engage in a critical discussion on the history and current situation of Filipino youth in the Philippines.


Register for free online. Snacks and art supplies will be provided! This event is funded through the University of Manitoba Grow Your Community Fund.


Motion 0604: Anti-Palestinian Racism Definition

Thursday, March 28, 6:30 p.m.

176 Helen Glass, Fort Garry Campus


Students for Justine in Palestine invites all students and alumni of the University of Manitoba community who share our vision for a more inclusive campus to join us in support of Motion 0604. This motion represents a significant step forward in enhancing our university’s policies and practices to combat discrimination and ensure that every student can thrive in a safe and supportive environment.



Anny Chen (she/her)

Lead, Community Engaged Learning

Tel: 204-474-6992


Student Affairs – Leaders in cultivating exceptional student experiences!


My home city, Winnipeg, sits on the original lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, and Dakota peoples and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. I am grateful to live and work on Treaty One Territory, and to have access to water from Shoal Lake #40 First Nation and hydroelectricity generated on the lands of many Indigenous communities in Northern Manitoba. As a descendant of refugees and immigrants who settled on Indigenous lands, I commit to challenging anti-Indigenous racism and supporting the work and leadership of Indigenous communities.