Good morning, DH2,


I wanted to let you know that I have adjusted the due date for your Final Case Assignment in Periodontology to Friday, November 29th at 11:59pm. I understand you have a very busy week next week so I hope this additional time is helpful.  


Have a good rest of your week!



Kaleigh Warden RDH, BA(IS), MAIS

Instructor & DH3 Clinical Coordinator

School of Dental Hygiene

Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

D212D – 780 Bannatyne Ave

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

R3E 0W2

Phone: (204) 272-3100

Fax: (204) 789-3948



The University of Manitoba is located on the original lands of the Anishinaabeg, Ininewuk, Anisininewuk, Dakota Oyate and Denesuline, and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.