Hello DH 2,
On Friday, January 24th,
you have an in-person interprofessional education (IPE) activity from 3-5 pm. The session takes place on the Bannatyne campus. During this
mandatory IPE session, which is part of your DipDH program, we continue to explore relationship-centered care/services, team communication, and team function, three of the
Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative
(2024) team-based collaborative competencies. For a review of these competencies, see UML module you completed in the fall: "Introduction to Collaborative Team-Based Care".
On January 24th, your IPE learning team will meet a meet two patient or family advisors from the patient engagement program with Shared Health and or the Center
for Healthcare Innovation. They will share their lived experiences. As a team, you will have the opportunity to listen to their stories and engage with them through a question and answer session.
In advance of the learning activity, please read the following poem (attached to this email):
Metersky, K. (2022). Person-Centred Care and Interprofessional Practice Through Me. International Health Trends and Perspectives, 2(3),
326–328. https://doi.org/10.32920/ihtp.v2i3.1665.
See the
attached pdf document for your assigned team, room and facilitator(s). Please arrive 5-10 minutes before the session to find your team. The session will start promptly at 3 pm. Attendance will be taken and shared with your program.
Consider being your team’s note-taker for the IPE session. Your team will be provided with a hardcopy of a ‘student questions template’ which you will
use to articulate team questions and rationale for the questions. Note-taking simulates team meeting notes and as we know document, document, document is an important motto to uphold for quality assurance and improvement. You will give the document to the
IPE facilitators at the end of the session.
Please email me at
Laura.MacDonald@umanitoba.ca if you have any questions or concerns. Attendance will be shared with your program as the session is mandatory in your program.
See three pdf attachments:
On behalf of the OIPC, we are looking forward to seeing you in-person Friday,
January 24th, 3-5 PM!
Laura MacDonald, RDH, PhD
School of Dental Hygiene
Associate Professor
Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry & School of Dental Hygiene
780 Bannatyne Ave.,
and College Lead,
Office of Interprofessional Collaboration
Rady Faculty Health Sciences
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3E 0W2
I acknowledge that the
University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. I respect the treaties made on these territories.I acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past
and present. With a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration, I move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities.In all my actions, I am grounded in salutogenesis and aim to contribute to health creation within places and settings where people live,
learn, play, work, and love.