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From: "Jenna Craig"  <>
Date: March 23, 2017 at 8:45:47 AM CDT
To: "Mount-First Ng"  <>
Subject: Webinar: Using Acoustic Technologies for Leak Detection in Fluid-Filled Pipes (3/23)
Reply-To: Jenna Craig  <>

Dear Colleague,

Today, March 23, ASME and COMSOL will give a free webinar on "Using Acoustic Technologies for Leak Detection in Fluid-Filled Pipes." Details and registration are available below.

The prediction of speed of sound is important to accurately locate leaks in buried pipe networks, such as water mains. Sound propagation is influenced by parameters such as pipe materials and dimensions, which are network dependent. Knowing these parameters is critical for leak detection using acoustic technologies.

In this webinar, guest speaker Sebastien Perrier of Echologics Engineering will discuss how they implemented a finite element simulation framework using COMSOL Multiphysics® and deployed it using apps. You will also get a live demonstration of how to model the acoustical behavior of pipes and estimate the variation in speed of sound. At the end of this webinar, there will be a Q&A session during which you can ask questions.

Sebastien Perrier, R&D Acoustical Scientist, Echologics Engineering.
Valerio Marra, Marketing Director, COMSOL.

Live Presentation - Thursday, March 23, 2017  2:00 p.m. EDT.
To register, visit:

Best Regards,

Jenna Craig
COMSOL, Inc. | 100 District Avenue | Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: 781-273-3322 | Email:

P.S. Unable to attend the live event? Register and you'll receive notification once the recorded version is available. We encourage you to forward this invitation to your friends and colleagues!


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