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From: Altium <>
Subject: Speed up Your PCB Design Cycle
Date: May 20, 2022 at 11:02:01 AM CDT
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Hello Mount-First,
It's so easy to go into a store and purchase an item, that we forget how difficult it is to actually make. Projects today are reliant on many external factors that are hard to account for. There is instability externally, in the components market but also internally when it comes to managing company content and intellectual property. Altium Designer is here to bring stability to your projects. Conquer the insanity of the electronics supply chain with ActiveBOM or overcome your internal inefficiencies with design reuse.
Improving Supply Chain Success with BOM Management Having the right components on hand is more crucial than ever as availability, obsolescence, counterfeit products and environmental non-compliance risks continue to grow. The impact of manufacturing delays can be substantial if a part is not available. Delays occur and sales plans get put on hold. It can also be very expensive and risky to replace parts from multiple sources. Fortunately, many shortages can be avoided by introducing proactive supply chain practices.
Still want more? Take a look at the links below to see what else we have for you.
Altium LLC, 4225 Executive Square, Suite 700, La Jolla, California 92037, United States. Copyright 2021, Altium LLC, all rights reserved. Altium®, ACTIVEBOM®, ActiveRoute®, Altium Designer®, Altium NEXUS®, Altium Vault®, Autotrax®, Camtastic®, Ciiva™, CIIVA SMARTPARTS®, CircuitMaker®, CircuitStudio®, Codemaker™, Common Parts Library™, Draftsman®, DXP™, Easytrax®, LiveDesign®, NanoBoard®, NATIVE 3D™, NEXUS™, Octomyze®, Octopart®, PCBWORKS®, P-CAD®, PDN Analyzer™, Protel®, Situs®, Upverter®, XSIGNALS™, X2™ and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Altium LLC or its subsidiaries. All other registered or unregistered trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners and no trademark rights to the same are claimed.
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