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Subject: IEEE Webinar: Digitally Integrated Electronic Design - Your Key to Digital Transformation
Date: September 3, 2021 at 11:01:53 AM CDT
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Altium Designer
Hello Mount-First, 
If you design electronics today, it's getting harder and harder to avoid high speed designs. Even common household appliances like refrigerators and toasters are “smart” nowadays. When moving into the high-speed realm, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Join us this month and discover some of the things you should know when designing your next high-speed board. 
IEEE - 09.2021 wbnr.jpg
What is High-Speed Design?
Date: September 9th, 10:00 - 10:20 
Many designers today still think they don’t need to worry about designing for high speed because their clock speed is too low. But what if i told you that high speed design doesn’t have anything to do with the clock speed? Join us this webinar and find out why you’re already working on a high-speed design. 
Length Matching in High-Speed Buses
Date: September 16th, 10:00 - 10:20 
High speed busses like DDR, VME, and PCIe can all reach data transfer speeds that require strict timing with very tight tolerances, leaving very little slack in the PCB layout. This means you’ll need to properly define your length matching and time delay constraints so you can effectively route your signals. Join us this webinar and find out how. 
Still want more? Take a look at the links below to see what else we have for you. 
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Mount-first Ng :: Information Technologist, EITC, E3-550        O +--/~~\
(204)-474-9657 :: Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering   X--/\/\/\
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