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Subject: OnTrack Newsletter: New Dimensions Simulation, Component Management in the Cloud, Brain Food
Date: June 11, 2021 at 10:33:35 AM CDT
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OnTrack Newsletter June 2021 VOL. 4 No 8
New Dimensions of PCB Simulation Until now, simulation software hasn't considered PCB manufacturability. Furthermore, the unintentional consequences that result from the lack of this information frequently leads to costly failures. Equipped with decades of academic rigor and industry experience, Keshav and Tarun Amla of Avishtech set out to solve this problem with their Gauss 2D and Gauss stack software. In this interview, they discuss why they developed this software and what solutions they can now offer design engineers.
8 Reasons to Host your Components in Altium 365
Judy Warner Director of Community Engagement at Altium, Editor of the OnTrack Newsletter, and host of the OnTrack Podcast. Warner has been working with engineers and PCB designers in the electronics manufacturing industry for over 25 years.
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