Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that the above noted seminar will be held on Wednesday, November 12th.  Please see below/attached.


Next week’s seminar is as follows:


“Are Capital Controls Prudential? An Empirical Investigation” joint with A. Rebucci and M. Uribe



Andrés Fernández

Inter-American Development Bank



Seminar sponsored by:

Department of Economics, University of Manitoba


Wednesday, November 12th, 2014

2:30 – 4:00 PM

305 Tier Building

University of Manitoba

For more information call:  204-474-9207


Attached is a copy of the paper being presented.  All are welcome to attend.


Roxana Semchuk

Office Assistant

Department of Economics

Room 501 Fletcher Argue Building

University of Manitoba

Ph: 204-474-6239

Email: Roxana.semchuk@umanitoba.ca


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