Hello, just a reminder that the seminar is tomorrow, please see below:


“Disability Benefit Generosity and Labor Force Withdrawal” joint with S. Staubli



Kathleen Mullen
RAND Corporation


Seminar sponsored by:

The Department of Economics

University of Manitoba

RDC Manitoba



Friday, November 13th , 2015

2:30 – 4:00 PM

307 Tier Building

University of Manitoba

For more information call:  204-474-9207



All are welcome to attend.


Here is the abstract for the paper:


Disability Benefit Generosity and Labor Force Withdrawal

Kathleen J. Mullen, RAND

Stefan Staubli, University of Calgary


A key component for estimating the optimal size and structure of disability insurance programs

is the elasticity of labor force participation with respect to benefit generosity. Yet, in many

countries including the United States all workers face identical benefit schedules, which are a

function of one’s labor market history, making it difficult to separate the effect of the benefit

level from the effect of preferences for work on individuals’ withdrawal from the labor force. To

circumvent this problem, we exploit exogenous variation in disability insurance benefits in

Austria arising from several reforms to its disability insurance and old age pension system in the

1990s and 2000s. We use comprehensive administrative social security records data on the

universe of Austrian workers to compute benefit levels under six different regimes, allowing us

to identify and precisely estimate the elasticity of labor force withdrawal (disability insurance

claiming) with respect to benefit generosity.




Thank you,





Gwendolyn Band

Office Assistant

Department of Economics

Room 501 Fletcher Argue Building

University of Manitoba R3T 5V5

Ph: (204) 474-6239
