The following on behalf of Dr. Melanie Janzen, 2023 Tenure & Promotion Chair:


Dear Faculty Community,


In 2023, Dr. Robert Mizzi, Associate Professor, has applied for promotion to Professor and Dr. Cameron Hauseman, Assistant Professor, has applied for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor.


We invite submissions regarding the candidates with respect to the candidates’ contributions to teaching, research, or service to assist committee. Submissions are welcome from all members of the Faculty community, including Faculty members, students, support staff, university colleagues, research colleagues, educational partners, community partners and others.


Please see the attached letters for additional information, including deadlines for submission. Forward your comments in confidence to Tara Baxter, Executive Assistant to the Dean, and support to Tenure and Promotion Committees, via email




Dr. Melanie Janzen

2023 Tenure & Promotion Committee Chair