Exporting to epidata format - not valid boolean expression BUG???

Hello EpiData friends,
I just sent an email about an error
"invalid boolean expression"
when trying to export to EpiData format with EpiData entry with filters.
I guess that I found an unexpected bug.
When I use the following filters the export is OK (alt1 is numeric variable formated as ####.##).
alt1 <> 42 alt1 = 42
But when I use the following filters the export give this error. alt1 >= 42 alt1 <= 42 alt1 > 42 alt1 < 42
Therefore, I guess there is something to do with the > or < signs!
Did anyone experience such an error before?
Abraço forte e que a força esteja com você,
Dr. Pedro Emmanuel A. A. do Brasil Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Pedro Emmanuel Alvarenga Americano do Brasil < emmanuel.brasil@gmail.com> Date: 2010/4/1 Subject: Exporting to epidata format - not valid boolean expression To: epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca
Hello EpiData friends,
Im having a little trouble that I would appreciate very much some help.
I have a rec file which I would like to create a subset. I tried to use the EpiData entry data export, using the filter option.
When I set the filter such as:
hepato <> 2 it is ok.
But when I set the filter as
alt1 >= 42
... or I set the filter as ...
(alt >= 42) or (hepato <> 2)
I get an error saying this is not a valid boolean expression. I tried in several different ways and I couldnt figure out what Im doing worng.
Any tip?
Abraço forte e que a força esteja com você,
Dr. Pedro Emmanuel A. A. do Brasil Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
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