Hi MAHN Students,
Therre is a  free webinar titled "Sweet Science: Demystifying the Impact of Low-and-no-Calorie Sweeteners on Gut Health, Cravings, and Cancer Risk".
We all know healthy eating habits are crucial for our overall well-being, but how do low- and no-calorie sweeteners (LNCS) fit into the picture? This webinar will answer that question and more!
Join on Wednesday, June 5th, 2024, from 2-3 PM ET as registered dietitians Nichole Andrews, Davide Risso, and Tyler Townsend cut through the confusion surrounding LNCS. They'll explore the latest research on how these sweeteners impact gut health, cravings, and even cancer risk.
What You'll Learn:
This webinar is perfect for you if:
Space is limited, so register today!
Register here
Sina Sarviha