Dear students,


Please see the information below.





From: Shanice Huziak <>
Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2024 12:02 PM
To: Katrina Cachero <>
Subject: Opportunity - Diabetes Camp


Hi, please send to MAHN students 😊 thanks!


Camp Briardale, the Diabetes Canada overnight camp for children living with type 1 diabetes is looking for healthcare students and registered dieticians to attend a one-week camp in August 19-23, 2024. There will be a training day before camp.


Camp is a great experience – you will learn lots and have fun at the same time! We do not expect you to have any experience with type 1 diabetes, we will teach you what you need to know. Coming to camp gives you the opportunity to learn the basics of management of type 1 diabetes but more importantly will give you insight into what it is like for a child to live with a chronic illness that requires constant attention.


And Camp experience is also not necessary – this is a great opportunity to go back to camp if you have been in the past and an even better opportunity to go to overnight camp if you never had the chance as a kid!


The 2 positions that are available for health care students are “Medical Counsellor” and “Midnight Rambler ”.


Nutrition students who will have completed their practicum are invited to apply for the “Dietitian“ position (if you are a graduate dietitian).


Each cabin group has a medical counsellor who helps organize blood glucose checks, insulin doses etc. In addition, they also act as a general counsellor – living with a cabin group, going to and participating in all activities etc. (Don’t worry – there are experienced camp counsellors as part of the team). Midnight ramblers help check glucose values through the night – and after sleeping in in the morning are welcome to join in with camp activities.


Have a look at the dcamps website for general information about camp ( Camp Briardale is hosted at BB camp on Town Island just outside Kenora. Check out their website to get a look at the site – it is beautiful. (


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. This is really a great opportunity – to both learn and have fun!




Our Employment opportunity handbook has been attached to this email and applications can be submitted HERE. Applications are being collected online through Smartsheet.


The first round of hiring will close February 29, at 11:59 PM. Hiring and interviews will be ongoing until all positions are filled.  


Any questions can be directed to  or myself in the meantime.


We look forward to seeing many of you at a future D-Camps program and making more memories around the campfire this summer.


The D-Camps Team



Shanice Huziak, RD, CDE

Dietitian Diabetes Educator

Diabetes Education Resource for Children & Adolescents

HSC Winnipeg | Shared Health


Location: Pediatric Diabetes, FE307 - 685 William Ave.

Mail: FE307 – 820 Sherbrook St., Wpg., MB. R3A 1R9


Phone: 204-787-4576 | Main office: 204-787-3011

Toll Free: 1-866-263-9096 | Fax: 204-787-1655



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