Dear Students,
I hope you are doing well. I have returned to work after an unplanned personal absence. Thank you for your patience and understanding while I was away. I am happy to be back, and I am delighted to inform you that Katrina is now with the
MAHN program full-time as the Preceptor Liaison Dietitian. Katrina’s primary role will be placement planning and preceptor support. Your course instructors and I will remain your primary contacts within the program and please be sure to include in all communications to me.
Please see below for important updates and reminders for this week.
- There have been some updates to placement and preceptors due to changes in preceptor availability. Please be sure to access the “live” version of your placement schedule in Typhon
before contacting your next preceptors.
- By Friday December 22, send a professional, introductory e-mail to your preceptors for your January placement. Some preceptors will be away over the holidays and will appreciate receiving
this e-mail before they are away. Include all preceptors on your precepting team on your e-mail. Contact if you require e-mails for any of your preceptors.
- Complete an evaluation of your second placement. This is due
January 8 and is a required assignment for the program. You will access this evaluation in UM learn under the “surveys” tab. You will be completing the same evaluation that you submitted for the first placement, this will allow us to collate results
from all placements. It is the only survey you will see under the survey tab. There will be no extensions granted for submitting the evaluation and you are responsible for monitoring this due date.
- Complete pre-placement readings and quizzes for placement 3 by the due date stipulated in UM Learn.
- Reminder: This is an intense program; you are expected to monitor due dates and plan your tasks accordingly. Extensions will not be granted for practicum assignments and quizzes.
- The WRHA has updated their social media policy. Please review the updated policy (attached). You are expected to abide by this policy when in placement in WRHA sites. You must also
adhere to CDM and University of Manitoba social media policies throughout the program.
Jessica Rutherford RD, MSc
Master of Applied Human Nutrition (MAHN) Coordinator
Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
University of Manitoba
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The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the
Métis Nation. We respect the Treaties that were made on these territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we dedicate ourselves to move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.