Dear MAHN students,
You are included in this requirement.
GRAD 7020 is how students remain registered in the Faculty of Graduate studies. Students have to register for it every term while you are in their program.
GRAD 7300 and 7500 are for the academic integrity and research integrity courses. They have to be taken at the beginning of one's program but won't take much
time at all and students do not need to redo it for the duration of your program.
From: Graduate Communications <>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2024 12:27 PM
To: Graduate Communications <>
Subject: [Gs-dept-grad-chairs] Registration Reminder: Summer 2024, GRAD 7300 & GRAD 7500
To: All Graduate Students
Cc: Dept./Unit Heads, Grad Chairs & Admin Contacts
Please read the below information carefully as it concerns important information about graduate student registration. You may also wish to consult
the attached Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
1. Information for all Master’s and Ph.D. students who are continuing in their programs*:
All graduate students are required to register every academic term which includes Fall, Winter and Summer.
Summer 2024 registration opens April
1st. Students who do not register for Summer term will be discontinued from their program of study. As Summer 2024 term
is approaching, please ensure you are at least registered for the re-registration course:
Course # |
Term |
Master's Re-registration |
GRAD 7020 |
Summer 2024 |
1226 |
Doctoral Re-registration |
GRAD 8020 |
Summer 2024 |
1231 |
This re-registration should be over and above any course registration(s) you complete. So long as you are in a re-registration course for
each term, you will retain status in your graduate program even if you withdraw from other courses. Registration in the re-registration course also ensures you are assessed the appropriate fees.
Exceptions to Summer 2024 term re-registration:
Students who anticipate graduating in October 2024 must
register for their final Thesis/Practicum/Comprehensive Exam/Project or the final course specific to their program in Summer 2024 term. Re-registration in GRAD 7020/GRAD
8020 is still a good idea in case your graduating term is delayed.
All course numbers and CRNs can be found by searching the Class Schedule link at
If you have questions about registration please contact your departmental/unit graduate program assistant.
2. Compulsory GRAD 7300 Research Integrity Tutorial – complete only (1) time in your program (within your first year)
All Pre-Master’s, Masters and Ph.D. students are required to successfully complete GRAD 7300 Research Integrity Tutorial –
once registered for the course in Aurora, the associated modules can be located in UM Learn. This zero (0) credit-hour, pass/fail research integrity tutorial is a highly
interactive online tool designed to provide a comprehensive overview and basic understanding of the best practices and principles in the Responsible Conduct of Research.
All Graduate Students who started their graduate
program in Summer 2023 must have completed the tutorial by April 26, 2024. Failure to do so will result in an F NP and hold placed on future registration.
Please review the regulations associated with GRAD 7300 in the FGS
Academic Guide. If you already successfully completed GRAD 7300, you may ignore this information.
Course |
Term |
GRAD 7300 |
Summer 2024 |
1677 |
3. Compulsory GRAD 7500 Academic Integrity Tutorial – complete
only (1) time in your program (within your first term)
Academic Integrity is a matter of paramount importance in academia. It is the foundation of scholarly work. Breaches of Academic Integrity,
whether intentional or unintentional, have potentially very serious consequences to a student’s status in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and at the University of Manitoba. To help graduate students better understand the issues surrounding Academic Integrity,
the Senate of the University of Manitoba passed a motion that requires all graduate students to take a compulsory tutorial on Academic Integrity.
All Pre-Master’s and graduate and students must register for and complete GRAD 7500 Academic Integrity Tutorial one time. This is a zero (0)
credit-hour course intended to introduce students to their basic responsibilities regarding academic integrity and to the resources available to them.
Pre-Master’s and graduate students who are
starting their graduate program in Summer 2024 must register for GRAD 7500:
Course |
Term |
GRAD 7500 |
Summer 2024 |
1412 |
GRAD 7501 (French version for USB students) |
Summer 2024 |
1966 |
Failure to successfully complete this course by the end of the student’s first term of registration will result in further remedial measures.
They have already completed the Research Integrity course.
They have already completed a similar departmental seminar course.
Their thesis is in the middle of distribution or they have completed the distribution.
A span of time of more than one (1) term separates one graduate degree program from another graduate degree program (for instance, if a student completed GRAD 7500 at the
Master’s level, took a break of more than one (1) term and was admitted to another Master’s or Ph.D. program).
They are a Ph.D. student who already completed GRAD 7500 during their Master’s program (without a span of more than one (1) term between programs).
They are a visiting or occasional student.
Students must register for the course in Aurora in order to access it in UM Learn. (Students on the USB campus must access GRAD 7501 via Moodle.)
We strongly suggest you review the course
instructions prior to starting the course.
GRAD 7500 and GRAD 7300 Frequently Asked Questions can be viewed here.
Always remember to plan your program carefully. It is imperative that you ensure you are registering for only those courses that are a major part of your Master’s or Ph.D. program. If they are not
part of your major program then they should be added through your department/unit office as an Auxiliary course “X”, Audit course “A” or an Occasional course “O”. If you have questions about this, contact your department/unit. Do not register for more courses
than your program allows because you may be assessed extra fees at the time of graduation.
Per the Faculty of Graduate Studies Academic
“Students are responsible for ensuring that they meet all degree and program requirements. The
advisor (and co-advisor, if applicable), advisory committee, and department/unit must also ensure that each student follows Faculty of Graduate Studies regulations, department/unit supplementary regulations and meets all program requirements. The Faculty of
Graduate Studies performs a final check of Faculty of Graduate Studies minimum requirements for each student just prior to graduation. Students are cautioned, therefore, to periodically check all regulations with respect to their degree requirements with their
home department/unit. Failure to meet all the requirements will render a student ineligible to graduate.”
Thank you for your attention to these important graduate student matters.
Andrea J. Kailer, B. Comm. (Hons).
Governance & Appeals Officer
Faculty of Graduate Studies • University of Manitoba
500 University Centre • Winnipeg, Manitoba • R3T 2N2
Tel. 204.474.7298