January 25-26
2nd International Trainee Symposium in Agri-Food, Nutrition and Health
8:00 am – 4:30 pm at Richardson Centre for Food Technology and Research
This unique event offers a platform for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to showcase their work and engage in discussions with other researchers and trainees in their field. See more details at
January 25
Plant Science Seminar: Developing canola restorer lines without negative agronomic traits associated with the
Rfo introgression from radish
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm in 218 Agriculture Building
Mohamed Samir Youssef, UM Department of Plant Science, will present. Coffee served at 2:30 pm in the Atrium.
January 31
Faculty Seminar: Pipelines and agriculture: A contentious pair?
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm in 130 Agriculture
Presenter is Francis Zvomuya, UM Department of Soil Science. Join us for coffee and snacks at 3 pm in the Atrium.
January 31 - February 2
Manitoba Soil Science Society AGM and Conference
This event will launch Wednesday, January 31 with an afternoon Department of Soil Science facilities tour followed by introduction of institutions with MSSS members, followed by the annual Association of Red
River Soil Scientists (ARSS) meeting at Stone Angel Craft Brewery (1875 Pembina Hwy). The MSSS Annual Meeting and AGM then takes place February 1-2 at the Holiday Inn Southand is themed "Soil Science Education and Extension". More details at
February 1
Emerging Researcher Spotlight Series
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm in MPR, University Centre
Hosted by the Vice-President (Research and International) Office, this series features researchers in early and middle career stage over a wide range of disciplines. The inaugural session includes Curt McCartney, UM Department of Plant Science. More details
February 6
Animal Science Graduate Student Information Session
11:30 am – 12:45 pm in 219 Animal Science/Entomology
Come learn about the MSc program and discover opportunities in animal systems for post graduate studies. RSVP by noon February 2 to
February 6
HNSC 7200 Seminar: The Vitamin A Hypothesis
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm in 108 Human Ecology
Geoff Hicks, UM Department of Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, will present the first of the HNSC 7220 Winter seminars.
(Mark the Calendar is a listing of events that may be of interest to the FAFS community. If you have an upcoming event, please let us know by reply email.)