You are invited to a Public Seminar for the Position of Department Head, Animal Science



Dr. Kim Ominski

Professor and Acting Head,

Department of Animal Science

Friday November 24

9:00 - 9:45am – Public Seminar followed by a 15 minute Q&A

9:45 - 10:15am - Candidate meet & greet directly following seminar

Location: Room 138 Agriculture Building

Kim Ominski is a professor and Acting Head in the Department of Animal Science. Since joining the University of Manitoba, Kim has established a research program improving the productivity and sustainability of beef cattle production in Western Canada. This work includes a multidisciplinary team of researchers from across Canada and in the United States. Kim has trained more than 50 research personnel and considers herself fortunate to teach in both the degree and diploma programs at the University of Manitoba.

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The Faculty’s Search Committee for a Department Head in Animal Science has completed their review of applications. The Committee has arrived at a short-list of one individual. A copy of the Candidate’s CV can be made available on a secured MS Teams site by email request to


The public presentation and candidate interview will be held in accordance with University policy on department head searches. Please plan to participate in the public presentation this coming Friday, November 24th at 9:00am. Following the candidate’s presentation there will be an opportunity for general questions/answers and discussion.


The Search Committee would be pleased to receive any written feedback that you might wish to provide following the presentation. This confidential feedback should be sent directly to Mya Kraft, support to the Faculty’s Search Committee for Department Head in Animal Science, by email to no later than noon on Thursday November 30th. All input is treated in strict confidence and is shared with the Head Search Committee. Anonymous feedback will not be accepted.